Waiting by Erin Dennington



The first minutes after her crash, Christina struggled to remain calm, struggled to breathe, struggled to maintain her sanity. As each moment passed and neither of her children said a word, she grew more panicked and frightened. She spent an eternity yelling, calling out for her children, not hearing anything.

After her voice became hoarse from yelling, she had fallen silent, tears leaking down her cheeks, freezing on contact. She had long given up hope that her children were fine. She drifted in and out of consciousness, sometimes feeling like Tommy and Becca were watching her, waiting for her to awaken. Those precious times she would snap out of her dreams with a smile on her lips, a question half formed in her mouth, and would become even more disappointed when she couldn't see or hear her children.

Outside her window, a large man wiped at the frosted glass with his gloved hand, mouthing words that only looked like puffs of white clouds drifting off into the air. She watched him as one would watch a television show; disinterestedly and from afar. She even thought about telling him that it was pointless, useless; the car's occupants were no longer there.

"There's no one there," Christina whispered, "Can't you see that?"

14:00 - 11.05.02


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