Waiting by Erin Dennington


Chapter 6

A timid knock sounded at the door and Davis forced his mind back to the present moment. "Yes, Maria," he said.

"Sir, it's your wife on line one."

Davis whirled around and snatched up the phone. "I gave you my answer already, Bethany, and I refuse to comprehend why you must insist on calling me! I'm not going to change my mind! Stop calling me, goddammit!" he shouted into the receiver and then slammed the phone back into its cradle.

He couldn't understand why his foolish wife kept pestering him with trivial details. Granted, she didn't know the full reason behind his sudden announcement, but he couldn't force himself to tell her what was going on. It was, frankly, nothing he could tell her. There is no easy way to tell the woman you love that you have cancer. Davis was scared, ashamed, and defiant. He didn't want anyone to know what was going on in his life, but he'd be damned if he let anyone persuade him to stay at this job another day. Day by day he had sat in his office chair, unable to move, unable to comprehend that he was granted only 5 more weeks to live. Night by night he had watched his beautiful wife as she slept, unable to sleep, knowing that there would soon be only a handful of such moments left. The only thing he could see as a way to maintain his sanity would be to let go of his job and retire early. Then he could watch Bethany and savor each moment with her.

Davis hadn't realized that he was running his hands through his hair until his finger snagged on something. Pulling his hand away from his head, he took a look at what was on his fingertip -- a small bug, its wings so minutely perfect that they still fluttered, even though the insect was now dead. Disgusted, Davis flicked the insect off of his finger and brushed his hand against his leg. Returning to his post by the window, Davis watched with curiosity as an accident unfolded below his very eye.

13:57 - 11.05.02


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