Waiting by Erin Dennington


Chapter 29

The thought crossed through Stella's mind that her parents might be worried about her, but she didn't worry too much. She was in plain sight of the road and, knowing that the vehicles still needed to be towed, she didn't worry that their car would be moving anytime soon.

She was tired of doing the same old thing every day of her life and was looking for a change. She wanted to dance, but who had ever heard of a famous Korean dancer? She certainly hadn't and it wasn't from lack of looking. Stella knew that dancing would always be in her blood, which made her wonder what her parents had been, what they'd done in life. Sometimes when she thought these thoughts, she would get sad and she would wonder what life would have been like living with them. And then she couldn't help but wonder if maybe they hadn't loved her and that was why she had grown up with people so very unlike her in appearance. Forcing those thoughts aside, Stella instead turned her full attention to the two children sitting in front of her.

Tommy, the younger of the two, was a bouncy, charismatic boy, of about age 7. Becca, she guessed, was the more sensitive and quiet of the two and appeared to be 12 years old. Stella was drawn to Becca's eyes, just as she'd been drawn to Davis Jackson's eyes only minutes ago. There was something about both of their eyes that caught her attention, made her want to stare inside and obtain the very essence of who they were and what made them tick.

Becca watched Stella's movements with awe in her face; her hands folded primly in her lap, her toes tapping the ground in front of her. With the right kind of encouragement, Stella knew Becca could let go and dance. Now, with Tommy, on the other hand, she didn't need to encourage him. When he'd first seen her dancing, he'd jumped up off the bench and held his little pudgy hands out to her, demanding she let him join in. She'd told him that he needed to watch what she was doing first, but that very soon, she'd let him dance.

Holding out one hand to each child, she bowed and asked, "Anyone want to dance with me?"

Both of them jumped up and grabbed a hand.

21:50 - 11.07.02


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