Waiting by Erin Dennington


Chapter 26

Christina felt groggy, as if she'd been hit over the head and then forced to pull an all-nighter. Parts of what the officer was saying made little to no sense at all to her, but she gamely tried to answer all of his questions. No, she didn't know when the other vehicle had attempted to stop, or if there was anyone else in the vehicle with the van's driver. No, she didn't know how fast the other driver was going. Yes, Christina had already come to a complete stop and was about to make her turn when the van had plowed into her car. Yes, Christina had tried to lessen the impact by avoiding a head-on collision, and yes, she realized that her car wasn't meant for off-road driving. She snorted at that question, because it was never her intention to take up off-road driving; circumstances had quickly changed that, though.

The last question had been the most surprising of them all, but she gave her answer without revealing her surprise. No, she didn't know why there were hundred of insects found in her car, nor did she know where they had come from.

After finishing her statement, Christina was released. She picked up her kids, and trudged across the street to a glass fronted building, hoping to find a payphone in order to call Matthew. She had already forgotten the last question by the time her kids were clamoring for the phone.

12:53 - 11.07.02


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