Waiting by Erin Dennington


Chapter 85

Marty was tired. He was sick and tired of the dark, the fear, the uncertainties that plagued all of them. But most of all, he was plain tired. His body ached for some rest, some reprieve from the constant adrenaline rush that it had been facing. He was weary to the bone.

All that he wanted to do was lie down, close his eyes, and then forget everything that had happened so far today. If he could step back in time and refuse to accept Bill's assignment, then he would no longer be in this position. He no longer cared about saving anyone. He no longer wanted to be a hero. After seeing Christina, he had been afraid to get any more involved than he already was.

Marty could sense, deep within him, that the next hour would be one of the most important ones of his life. And he felt wholly unprepared and disinclined to face it.

It seemed to him, that being a superhero was not all that it was cracked up to be. No one would even know what role he had played in today's events unless Bill somehow managed to make a tape of it air. And that seemed highly unlikely, unless they could convince Matthew that it would be a good idea to make a new manifesto recording.

21:19 - 11.30.02


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