Waiting by Erin Dennington



When they had started to break down the door, he had ducked into another hallway. He didn't know where they were going or what was going on, but in the brief glimpse he'd had of them, he'd noticed that the other woman had gone missing. He was puzzled. He couldn't think where she had gone, as he was positive he'd barricaded every exit out of the mobile telecommunications office, but this mistake firmed up his resolve that he must not make any more mistakes.

Once they had run for the stairs, he'd left his hiding place and followed. He was careful to remain far enough back that, if one of them had turned around, they would not have been able to see him on the stairs behind them. And when they reached the outdoors, he was pleased to note that none of them thought to check the fire exit door behind them, which he hid behind, observing their actions.

He didn't understand why they were going over to the overturned car, but he waited patiently for them to make their next move. When they headed down the sidewalk away from the building, he slipped out of his hiding place and followed. He was very careful to leave enough distance between them and him. He also made sure that he had a car to duck behind in case any of them ever happened to turn around and look behind them. He need not have worried, as they all concentrated on their immediate surroundings, but he was not going to allow any further mistakes to occur.

When they entered the scientific research labs, he was even more surprised by their actions. Why they were going to his boss' workplace was beyond him, but at least this was familiar territory and, thus, easy for him to maintain control over.

He smiled and let himself into the employee only door, pulling his gloves off and stuffing them into his pocket. By the sound of their voices, they were headed to the laboratory in the back and he decided to cut them off at the pass, so to speak, by getting there ahead of them.

Things were looking up by the second.

23:07 - 11.23.02


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